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Miracle Doll
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:21cm neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm the body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:21cm neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm the body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:22cm neck:10cm body without head:57cm body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm bust size:26cm waist size:20.5cm arm:19cm hip:26cm feet:8cm leg:37cm thigh girth:14cm calf girth:11cm
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:21cm neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm the body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm Либо *Measurements* neck:9cm the body height:59cm breast:26cm waist:19cm arms:20cm lip:29cm..
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:21cm neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm the body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm Либо *Measurements* neck:9cm the body height:59cm breast:26cm waist:19cm arms:20cm lip:29cm feet:..
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:21cm neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm the body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm Либо *Measurements* neck:9cm the body height:59cm breast:26cm waist:19cm arms:20cm lip:29cm..
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:21cm neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm the body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm Либо *Measurements* neck:9cm the body height:59cm breast:26cm waist:19cm arms:20cm lip:29cm feet:..
White or normal. *Measurements* Head circumference 22cm Neck circumference 9-9.5cm
Skin normal, white. *Measurements* neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm
*Measurements* neck:10cm body without head:57cm shoulder width:15cm bust size:26cm waist size:20.5cm arm:19cm hip:26cm feet:8cm leg:37cm thigh girth:14cm calf girth:11cm
Skin - normal, white. *Measurements* neck:9cm the body height:59cm breast:26cm waist:19cm arms:20cm lip:29cm feet:6.5cm leg:38cm
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:21cm neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm the body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm
White or normal. *Measurements* Head circumference 21cm Neck circumference 9.5cm eyes:14mm
*Measurements* eyes:14mm head:21cm neck:9.5cm the body with no head:57cm the body with head:65cm shoulder width:15cm breast:26cm waist:20.5cm arms:19cm lip:26cm feet:7cm leg:37cm thigh:14cm calf:11cm
white or normal. *Measurements* Head circumference 21cm Neck circumference 9.5cm eyes:14mm